Featured Cases
Barbara Cotton
Barbara Cotton is a biracial (Caucasian and Native American) female who was last seen in her hometown of Williston, North Dakota on April 11, 1981. Barbara was 15-years-old when she disappeared. At the time, Barbara had shoulder-length dark brown hair, hazel-brown eyes, was 5'2' tall, and weighed 100 lbs. She did not take her clothing, eyeglasses, cigarettes, money, paycheck, or any other personal belongings with her.
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: Barbara has a curvature of the spine which may cause a slight limp when she walks. Barbara has pierced ears and her left ear is noticeably lower than her right ear. Barbara has a dark brown mole on upper right side of her chest and a mole on the right side of her neck. Barbara has metal fillings in at least 7 of her molars.
For more information about Barbara, click here.
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If you would like to learn more about Barb's story, we think you'll find this podcast by Dakota Spotlight very informative.
Diagram provided by Lisa Jo Schiele