Featured Cases
Denise Robert
In the early evening of August 30, 2015, Denise Robert, a 62-year-old female, was tragically shot and fatally wounded while out for her weekly Sunday walk on Ray Street in the North End neighborhood of Manchester, New Hampshire. Denise was reportedly seen walking alone when neighbors heard the sound of gunfire. Some neighbors noted a red pickup truck leaving the area shortly after. Law enforcement is interested in speaking with the driver of the truck to learn more about what they may
have observed that evening.
Denise, the oldest of twelve children, studied ballet and art before pursing a long time career in adverting sales.
A reward is being offered for information leading to the arrest of Denise’s killer. If you have any information, please contact Detective Max Rahill at the Manchester Police Department at 603-792-5555, the Manchester Police Department CrimeLine at (603) 624-4040, or submit a tip online at www.manchestercrimeline.org
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